Regular courses
The regular courses in Spanish are divided according to the level competencies for a foreign language as described by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). In order to facilitate the participation of the students and have a better distribution of these levels, Alborz Spanish Language Institute (ASLI) has divided them into different courses that meet the needs of the students for both the online classes and the in-person classes.
Number of students
The minimum number of students per group is four (4) in both forms, although the maximum number of students per class will be eight (8), for in-person classes and ten (10) for online classes. The courses will be held once the minimum number of students has been reached.
Almost every two weeks a new course takes place, depending on the availability of space, teacher and the request of the students.
The details corresponding to the day and hours of the new courses are regularly published in the Instagram of ASLI (@alborzinstituto).
The interested student should get in touch with the Registrations Department in order to obtain the required information and register, once the information of the new course has been published.
In order to get more information about the frequency, amount of hours and objectives of each level, click on the following links: